Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Today I made the bravest decision of my life. I dared to imagine a life of happiness, and I made the move to do it. My decision was scary and potentially life changing, but I had to do it. So my question to you is: What have you been afraid to do? Have you been governed by this fear? what can you do to overcome this fear? My statement to you is to be brave! Dare to imagine you really making you happy. Often times as women we struggle with finding the balance between self and our childreb, families, and jobs. Well let me be the voice of support: Do what you need to do to be happy! You are no good to anyone a wreck. With that being said,here is my suggestion for the week. Pencil in some you time to do what makes you happy. You need it and being a woman, I know you deserve it! XOXO Monique Dashawn

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Who am I? I am a Beautiful Black Woman!  I have been navigating my through this thing called life, and I have learned so much. I have made many, many mistakes, but in the end I still have me, flawed but uniquely crafted.  I am a 100% Naturalista!  I love my natural hair! I secretly want to be a Vegan, but I love meat...so I will settle for a healthy eater.  I choose to eat lean cuts of beef and pork, fresh and organic fruits and vegetables, poultry, fish and organic dairy products. I don't really care much about sweets, but I occasionally crave rich butter pound cake or a dutch crumb apple pie topped with Butter Pecan ice cream. I am truly working on being healthy, but it is always a work in progress because after all...You are what you eat!  I am also working on revamping my style.  I have settled into mommy and wife mode that I lost the sexy, woman mode.  I don't wear "mom jeans" but, I certainly do not belong in the pages of W magazine.  I want to find a balance, so I am on a mission to go back to being that Stylish, Black Woman!  

Why this blog? Why now?
I turned 35 this year, and I have decided that I want to change my life. I looked at myself in the mirror and was extremely unhappy.  I was uncomfortable in my own skin down to the $150 Remy hair I had glued and sewn into my hair.  I was an overweight, wife and mother of two whose confidence level was in the worst it had ever been, so my first step was to take control of one thing in my life. I grabbed a pair of scissors and I did the unthinkable...I big chopped my hair.  Doing this one act became my liberation. It was a political act of defiance to the norms of society which had me in a tailspin of weaves, relaxers, dye, flat irons, and dry and damaged hair. This act also made me feel brave.  I was ready to face the world free, vulnerable, and finally unconcerned about what people think and feel about me. So my journey begins....This journey is for a healthier, more stylish sophisticated, and happier me.  I hope my journey helps someone...just like I know it is going to help me....

Monique Dashawn